I am a leadership coach. I also write Useful / Beautiful, a weekly leadership development letter that doesn't talk about leadership development. Ha! I help creative types and their leaders (who may have once been individual contributors (ICs) learn to discard unhelpful beliefs and approach collaborative work with more compassion. I enjoy meeting folks who give a crap about creativity, design, words, collaboration, and personal growth.
Finding the usefulness in any situation.
Finding the people who manifested me (why I'm called to write and coach).
Don't tell people what to do or give advice unless they've asked you.
Finding 4-leaf clovers
This is it. Well, if my writing takes off, I may write more books, do talks, and do less consulting.
My kids' names.
This mnemonic: THINK before you speak. Is it True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?
Jack Skellington singing "Just because I cannot see it doesn't mean I can't believe it!"