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LC Johnson

MOVEMENT | A Movement to Create Safe Space and Celebrate Women of Color

part of a series on Movement


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LC Johnson shares how her desire to create a co-working space for women of color has turned into a movement.

Zora’s House, the co-working space for women of color that LC Johnson created, came from a dream. As she sought to turn that dream into reality, she realized it was bigger than she could have imagined. Beyond a place to work together, Zora’s House is a space where marginalized women can gather to get what they deserve: belonging, celebration, a space that centers their own experience. In this talk, LC encourages listeners to remember that meeting basic human needs is not enough. We all deserve so much more.

About the speaker

LC Johnson is an award-winning writer, entrepreneur, and activist with a passion for uplifting and empowering women and communities of color. In addition to over ten years of experience developing and facilitating entrepreneurship, economic development, and social justice initiatives, she is the founder of Zora’s House – a coworking and community space whose mission is to provide women of color with the clarity, confidence, and connections they need to amplify their authentic voices; grow and contribute their talents; and powerfully transform their lives, careers, and communities.

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